Life in balance

Build a strong foundation for
long-lasting health.

How can nutrition help you balance your health?

I specialise in helping people using nutrition and life style to bring back balance. Balance in your hormones. Balance in your metabolism. Balance in your mood and energy levels. Balance in your life.

  • Are you ready to feel well and thrive?

  • Are you tired of the restrictive diets ie keto, vegan and food rules ie no sugar, fasting etc.

  • Do you have PMS.

  • Do you suffer from insomnia or anxiety.

  • Do you have digestive issues that can’t be explained.

  • Are the doctors telling you your tests just ‘normal’ or your symptoms are just ‘in your head’. 

  • Maybe you rely on pain medication or perhaps had surgery but nothing really changes. 

What if I told you there is a different path. A path of more balance. So you can feel great by nourishing your body with real foods.

After working in nutrition for many years and with many clients I have witnessed many food fads. I do know that the one idea that never changes is keeping it simple and working with your body, not against them.

The key to a healthy metabolism and balanced hormones is to make sure you are receiving the right nutrients in the right amount, but what nutrients are lacking depends on each and one of us.  We are all individuals with our own stories. 

I look at your body, your symptoms, your history and with the help of testing and solid scientific research I build a simple plan that is right for you.

With simple and easy changes to your nutrition and lifestyle, we’ll get your body back on track naturally. If you are ready to learn what your body needs to thrive, I am here to show you how.

Book your free discovery call  +

Hi, I’m Elisabeth

BA(Hons), dipCNM, ANP

I’m a functional nutritionist supporting women to return to a state of long-term heath, energy and well-being. Together, we will use your symptoms as the starting point and then introduce simple but powerful nutritional adjustments.  These are combined with easy lifestyle tweaks and the right functional tests that will guide you back to health.

Simplicity is key - make changes that can last a life time.

By going back to basics, and combining my knowledge from extensive research and the simple traditions of my homeland, Sweden, I will share with you a deep understanding of what creates  a strong foundation that leads to long-lasting health.


How I can support you.



This is where we break down foods to basics so you know what to eat and how to shop and cook it.



Here I will hold your hand step by step as you try new habits, so they become second nature. We also explore the emotional aspect around food and eating.



We look at environmental toxins, products that are worth using and investing in, specific supplements and of course simple movement.

What we offer.

Gold Package

3-month reclaim balance programme

You might have been struggling with long term issues with your health and don’t know where to start. Or you may want support to upgrade your health, support longevity and feel your best.  

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Does your digestive system react and you just don’t know why.

  • Do you find that your hormones are all over the place because of your menstrual cycle.

  • Does your anxiety spiral out of control and stopping you from living your life.

  • Are you addicted to sugar, feeling constantly tired and long for more energy.

  • Does the GP tell you ‘it’s all in your head’ or the test results come back ‘normal’.

This programme will:

  • Give you a solid foundation for life so you can face life’s challenges.

  • Make your systems work well so you can gain a feeling of well-being, happiness and calm.

  • Give you time to work on deep seated issues that might take longer to heal.

  • Give you an actionable health plan that offers practical suggestions to achieve long lasting health.

Silver Package

An upgraded MOT for your body and mind

This is like an MOT for your body and mind. Perfect when you want to take proactive steps to health and have the opportunity to talk all things nutrition and life style and key areas to focus on for you.

A shorter programme that delivers effective results.

This program will:

  • Empower you to improve your overall health, be filled with energy and gain a feeling of well-being and happiness

  • Show you what your body is lacking and what food is right for you.

  • Give you an understanding of any symptoms that you might be experiencing.


    “Before working with Elisabeth I had various health issues including insomnia, skin issues and bad digestion. I was fed-up and constantly unwell. Elisabeth held me and said we can do this together. This was such an amazing feeling. She went way beyond what I would have expected. I wouldn't just describe her as a nutritionist as what she offers is way more than this. Working with Elisabeth has given me more energy and the impetus to do other things in my life. I have also had a complete mindset shift around self care. Working with Elisabeth is an investment which I keep benefitting from year on year.”

    JO O


    "I have felt ill most of my life - I felt rubbish - tired, no energy and I was in pain. I actually got to the stage where I didn't leave the house. Now, I go out for walks with ease, I have cut back on so much medication including sleeping tablets and I sleep so much better. With a lifetime of dieting and restriction, I now enjoy food and feel so much more confident in my ability around food - this is a huge transformation. It has brought an awareness to my life which has given me so much more headspace.”

    EMMA S


    “I came to Elisabeth because I had thrush and wanted to explore my long standing issues with food and IBS. I loved working with Elisabeth because her approach was holistic, non-judgemental and supportive: it was not about restrictions and rules. She gave me permission to eat in a way I hadn’t before and it really took the pressure off. I was amazed my thrush went away after 2 months, after having had it for over a year, despite trying other things. I now have a much clearer idea what my body needs.”


Book your free chat

When you feel your best and your mood is more mellow than mad, your family benefits, too. Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. Once you build a solid foundation of health, you can show up for your family and friends from a place of strength. No longer will you feel tired and irritable. Healing your relationship with food gives you time and space to give to yourself, and others. Everyone benefits.